Evangelical Church in Mecklenburg-Western PomeraniaFamily Research

The Archives of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Northern Germany at Schwerin keeps the church registers and register copies of all parishes in Mecklenburg as well as military church registers of the garrison at Neustrelitz (1841–1874) and the Wehrmacht parishes at Hagenow, Neustadt-Glewe, Schwerin and Wustrow/Rerik (1935–1945).
The range of church registers includes over 4600 volumes (about 300 m). The earliest registers begin in 1611/12, but generally it is not before the end of the devastating 30 Years War (1618–1648) that most of the registers set in. The Archives also preserves copies of the registers from the middle of the 18th century to the installation of the registry offices in 1875/76. The copies from 1875/76 to 1943/44 are kept by the Muni-cipal Archives of Rostock (E-Mail: stadtarchiv@rostock.de) in case of the city’s parishes, the Archives of the Cathedral of Ratzeburg (Domarchiv, Domhof 35, 23909 Ratzeburg) in case of the parishes of the former superintendency at Ratzeburg (Dom Ratzeburg, Carlow, Demern, Herrnburg, Schlagsdorf, Schönberg, Selmsdorf, Ziethen) and the State Archives at Schwerin (E-Mail: poststelle@lakd-mv.de) for the remaining parishes.
Digitized versions of many registers can be viewed via ARCHION: https://www.archion.de/en/.
All questions regarding family research should be directed to:
Landeskirchliches Archiv der Nordkirche
Außenstelle Schwerin
Postfach 111063
19055 Schwerin
Tel.: 0385 20223 292
Fax: 0385 20223 299
Mail: lkank@archiv.nordkirche.de